Expository Writing

Ever wanted to know how to make and prepare pizza?Well by reading this you will be a pro.You will learn how to prepare and make a pizza.Let’s get stared!

   Preparation:10-12 pepperonis,mozzarella cheese,tomato sauce,a pre-made pizza dough,and preheat oven to 300 degrees.There are really no measurements to this.Everything depends on the size of the pizza crust.Now I am going to show you how to make it and cook it.

First,you take the tomato sauce and spread it on the pizza dough.Second,you take the mozzarella cheese and drizzle it on top of the sauce.Next,you take your pepperonis and place them on top of your cheese.Next you put it in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

 Now that is how you make a pizza.Now enjoy that cheesy goodness!Yum,Yum.



My Turkey Trap

On Tuesday we went to are makerspace and made a turkey trap.The problem is that we had no turkey and the grocery store is sold out.In the project we had to use specific materials to make our turkey trap and they were Newspaper,Tin foil,Masking tape,Pipe cleaners,Cardboard,and Crafting sticks.Our plan was to trap a turkey from behind a tree.My turkey trap which is called Gobble Trap works like this.You set it by a tree and then you place some nuts on this platform then wait till a turkey come and eats the nuts then as you are hiding behind the tree you push the trap down on the turkeys head and then you pick it up from the trap and go cook it.Here is our


Orangutans Are Helpful

  Today we learned why orangutans are so important to rainforest  for many reason.One of the reason an orangutan is important that when they eat their food they digest and it is good for the soil and good for the forest.It might sound it might sound nasty but it is really important.We learned this from the zoo that we skyped.It was so fun!deforestation-skype-0

Poke Stop in the Library

We went to the library and we played a game where you take a tablet and they have Pokemon everywhere and you scan them and each Pokemon has a genre like fiction and you write the genre on the paper they give you. It was so fun to learn the different Pokemon because their names are so fun to learn. when you found the most or 8 Pokemon  you win 3 bookmarks that are so big and I won 1 and there was a big bookmark that is huge and is so cool.I love that Poke stop game.    



It’s time to breakout!!Breakout is challenging mind game.They give pictures notes and clues.You use those to open boxes.And it all leads to a big box.The big box had 4 locks on it. I opened 2 locks and it felt awesome.The big box lead to a  New read-a-loud and the book is called”Pax”.breakout7breakout9

”What’s My Color” The Musical

We went on  field trip to spring woods to go see their musical.The musical was about a boy named hue who lived in a colorless town where they only see,an wear gray. But hue explores the different  colors and goes there trouble during the processes of it.Then hue brings all the colors back to his town and it turns the town colorful.The musical was awesome and we got to talk to the writer of the musical and ask questions to him.The characters  were so good at singing and acting and being funny. My favorite color was red because he was rock n roll and was using a noodle as his guitar.The musical was awesome.

“What’s My Color” The Musical

We went to spring woods to go see the musical “What’s My Color”.The story is about a boy named Hue who lived in a town that has only the color gray.Then Hue goes and finds the different colors and brings it back to his town.The actors were so good at their parts in the musical. Basically the colors were emotions.Red was anger and liked rock n roll. Yellow was the sun with brightness and liked to rap.Blue was sadness and lived in the ocean.It was awesome!   screenshot-2016-10-14-at-10-19-23-am

U of H is Awesome

file_005U of H came by and we did science.The names of the teachers were Ms.Plum and Ms. Milliner. The activity was called dancing raisins. We would have a cup of water and put baking soda in the water.Next we pour the raisins in the baking soda.The last thing to do was put the vinegar and it fizzed a lot.It fizzed because when you mix baking baking soda and vinegar it will fizz.The experience was awesome and the reason it is called dancing raisins because when the fizz was gone the raisins floated to the top.The next activity was to sort the steps in order.It was difficult file_003-2but we did it.I love U of H!!

All About Moi

After reading this blog you will know all about me. My name is danielle and I am 9 years old. I speak English,a little spanish,and french. My mom and my dad are from Africa and the part of Africa they are from is Congo. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers.My 3 sisters are from Congo but my litte brother and I are from America. My favorite food is pizza. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because I also like chicken. My favorite part of bloging is letting people see what came from my words and my mind. My favorite color is sky blue. My favorite tv show is Empire and Make it or Break it. And now for the biggest news is …I am a Texans fan! Now you know all about moi and thanks for seeing my blog. Bye!